Album Info
Artist: DeadSquad
Title: Tyranation
Year: 2016
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Suggested Albums
- 1. Enter the Wall of Tyranation (Jancuk) (3:19)
- 2. Lahir Mata Satir (3:56)
- 3. The Comfort of Retardation (3:28)
- 4. Labirin Epidemi (3:29)
- 5. Pragmatis Sintetis (4:19)
- 6. Tyranation (2:30)
- 7. Demi Logam yang Mulia (4:22)
- 8. Apocalypse For Sale (3:56)
- 9. Menyangkal Sangkakala (5:33)
- 10. Hymn of Infinite Anxiety (6:22)